Using iPhone Microphone On Mac OS X

You can use your iPhone microphone to get high quality sound into your Mac to enhance a podcast recording when you happen to not be carrying your fancy microphone. It just requires four steps:

  1. Plug your iPhone into your Mac with a regular lightning to USB cable
  2. Run “Audio MIDI Setup” on your Mac to enable the microphone
  3. Download Microphone Live on your iPhone

You’re all set! The iPhone will appear as an audio device — and it feels like magic. —JM

Step-by-Step Instructions In 2022 To Remind Myself How To Do This Again In The Future … At Least Until It Changes Later

Step 1

Plug in your iPhone and install Microphone Live from the Apple App Store.

Step 2

Click on this “Enable” button on your Mac in the “Audio MIDI Setup” application.

Step 3

Run Microphone Live on your iPhone, and then press the center “power” button to transmit the iPhone microphone’s signal into your Mac. Your iPhone will now appear on your Mac as a microphone device — the easiest way to test this is from Quicktime Player or firing up a Zoom/Teams to check that it’s really working.